Tallinn Mass
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12. ELU
Ses salmis järgmises ma otsin neiut uut:
las modell, las prostituut
nüüd olla elu pruut!
12. LIFE
In this next verse I seek a woman beyond reach:
a model, a prostitute
becomes life’s bride!
Ai – tahan vastu
vaielda ma kohe —
kui panen ihu välja,
kõik veel pole müügiks!
Mu huulilt valla pääseb
teeseld ohe,
kuid parem täna märatseks ja röögiks:
on õelad pilgud mulle ilgeks nöögiks,
kas näeksite mind parem
koduhane kombel köögis?

Ma eal ei kanna kahel päeval
sama seelikut või särki,
ma kardan surma,
kardan igat tema märki
sest kordumine, kuhtumine
kulumine ongi surm;
on minu elu sisuks,
rahaks vahetada välimine hurm!

On iga korts mu silmanurgas
surma enda tähis
ning ennem kuivumist ma
pigem vaevleks vähis —
ent saate aru isand ELU —
pole ju vist munk te —
et kogun kõrgeks reitinguks
ma haruldasi punkte.

No! — I want to argue,
to oppose it —
When I display my body,
not everything’s for sale, not yet!
My open lips may give you
a fake sigh,
But now I would rather rampage and roar:
His evil glances sicken me like slaps;
Would you not like to see me safe inside
a cosy home?

I fear to wear the same clothes
for two days,
I live in terror of my life, I fear
Every sign of him —
like recurrence, weakening,
until I am worn out,
I sell my liquidated charm
for cash.

Each wrinkle in the corner of my eye
A symbol of my fast-approaching death;
If cancer took me now, it’s far better
than letting me dry up —
But please do understand, dear blessed LIFE —
That you yourself aren’t acting like a monk,
Collecting extra points
For saving souls.

14. ELU
Jah, õppima sa oled olnud usin,
ent kui ma vahel siin
su maja ümber luusin,
ma kuulen aknast nuttu, kuulen tihket bluusi,
mil taeva alla joonistund
on kuusirp.

Kui kunagi veel leiad aega,
sammud sea,
ma ootan — tants on sulle valla
ja pettuma ei pea!
Ma proovin kurjaga
ja proovin heaga,
saab aru see,
kes mõtleb oma peaga.

Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus,
Domine Deus Sabaoth;
pleni sunt coeli et terra gloria tua.
Hosanna in excelsis.

Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini
Hosanna in excelsis.

14. LIFE
Yes, you have learned your lessons too well,
But, sometimes, if I’m here,
Strolling around your gateway,
Then I hear you weeping, heavy blues are playing,
A new-born moon is rising
Above us.

Then, if you should ever have time to join
me, come along,
I have a dance reserved for you,
know you won’t regret it!
I try with cruelty
and I try with goodness,
Think for yourselves: you may find you
know her.

Holy, holy, holy Lord,
God of power and might;
Heaven and Earth are full of your glory
Hosanna in the highest.

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna in the highest.